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Integreat will help you settle into your new city or town.

At Integreat you will find local information, events and advice centers. We help you keep track of everything. The information is created and continually updated by the authorities and organizations themselves.


You can use Integreat for free and without advertising. It was developed by the non-profit organization "Tür an Tür" in cooperation with many cities, authorities and other community-oriented organizations.


Integreat is your digital guide to your new city/town and offers a range of unique functions:

- You will find local information, events and other offers in a single app

- Local information comes directly from the city or town itself and is updated frequently

- Find information even faster using the search function

- The "Offers" area lists job and internship vacancies near vrummy novelocê

- Integreat shows interesting events in your city

- Push notifications provide important updates about your city or town

- Share information and events with your friends

- Help us improve Integreat by giving us app feedback and local information


Integreat does not collect data about you or your use of the App. All it does is count how many times local content is opened in a certain language, but we don't collect or store any data about you.

Integreat requires some permissions from you so you can use the app to its full potential:

Storage: Local information about your city/town will be stored on your device so you can access it even without an internet connection

Location: When using the Integreat map and selecting the correct city/town, it is helpful that you are able to see your current location. The app does not analyze any location data.

WLAN (Wireless Internet): Integreat only downloads memory-intensive content when connected to the Internet via WLAN. To do this, we need to check if there is a WLAN connection.

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