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Phantom Rift

browse 60     sourcedate 2024-05-14

Phantom Rift is an amazing world outside of time and space. No matter how hard you strain your memory, you still can’t remember how you ended up here. Staying in one place in this incomprehensible place is tantamount to death; you must move forward in search of a way home. What will not be so simple, along the way players will encounter enemies, deadly traps, and encounters with vagabonds like you who can share a lot of information about this mysterious world and give you an additional task. A unique combat system, unlike any before, will allow you to apply hundreds of different tactical solutions. An interesting plot, original gameplay, a wide variety of magic spells, tons of items and the huge world of Phantom Rift will captivate players for many hours. CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 101.41 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history -----

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